Me and Feeny
We are now in the second week of the semester, so I am about a week and a half behind in my classes. Not too bad.
I have a good teacher for Spanish 448R. I know he is a good teacher because the whole class applauded him when he walked in the room the first day. They know him from previous experience. I should know him from experience too, since I've already had him for 441. I guess four days of class that semester wasn't enough time for me to get to know him very well, but it looks like my classmates enjoyed the class. Since I didn't enjoy 441 or its lovely sister 451 very much last semester, I will be enjoying them again this semester with all new teachers. But one good teacher won't be enough. In fact, because of the pathetic nature of my recent academic performance, the department has seen fit to call in an expert, a professor of great renown whose competence and ability are superseded only by his sincere desires for the success of his young students. They've called in Mr. Feeny.

Mr. Feeny currently teaches Spanish 451, Survey of Hispanic Literature. You may be surprised to learn that his parents are actually native to Mexico. Though he likes for his students to refer to him as "Professor Russell Cluff," there is no mistaking the Feeny mustache or the twinkle in those little eyes.
It's gonna be a good semester.
me and Mr. Feeny discussing course materials after class

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